Advocates of Inclusivity title text
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The Cowtown Marathon supports the call for racial justice and social equity. We recognize that implicit and institutional racism obstructs the ability of those affected to enjoy full, active, and healthy lives. Therefore, we commit to listening, learning, and continuing to produce events that offer equitable opportunities to improve health for everyone.Running has the unique ability to unite individuals regardless of career, age, culture, religion, political view, educational attainment, or level of ability. We manifest this each year as we gather 24,000 of our closest friends, 8,000 of them children, from around the world to run our two-day, seven-distance Cowtown Marathon.

Running heals:

1. It can improve both physical and mental health.

2. Running can be a passion, a hobby you have in common with another human being, and can help build new relationships or keep the old ones intact.

3. Running is a life-long activity that can build self-esteem and confidence, and in turn, respect for others.The National Black Marathoners Association, a Texas-based non-profit, is an excellent resource for supporting running in the black community, learn more at You may also want to visit Black Girls Run! a group that invites women of all races together to combat health disparities.

1 Shaw KA, Gennat HC, O’Rourke P, Del Mar C. Exercise for overweight or obesity. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;(4). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003817.pub3
2 Cooney GM, Dwan K, Greig CA, et al. Exercise for depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;(9). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004366.pub6
3 Christine Luff, Benefits of Group Running. Verywell Fit. 2020;FebThe Cowtown Marathon is committed to the research and implementation of policies and procedures to be a more sustainable event. We are fully certified as a responsible event by the Council for Responsible Sport, which is an independent organization providing guidelines and best practices for events in Planning, Procurement, Resource Management, Accessibility and Community Legacy.